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Passport to Fun:
Solo/Duo/Trio Show

1.  Dance of the Dolls                                    

  • POINTE DANCE (Choreography by Leah Seery) -  Elyssa Ahn, Jadyn Anderson, Madeleine Beckwith, Natalie Choo, Claire Eldridge, Vivian Eldridge, Sarah Flink, Chloe Heethuis, Claire Heethuis, Franni Hogan, Amelia Lennemann, Alora Mullins, Addie Ricks, Isabella Thompson-Orsua, Kayla Warner

2.  I Can't Say No

  • TAP SOLO (Choreography by Tiffany Burton) - Georgia Davis

3.  Moses Supposes 

  • TAP DUO (Choreography by Leah Seery, Instructor Caleb Burton) - Finlay Hewson, Kai Slonski

4.  Power

  • JAZZ SOLO (Choreography by Aubrie Clingaman -  Lily Adarkwa

5. Uninvited

  • CONTEMPORARY SOLO (Choreography by Tiffany Burton) - Isabella Thompson-Orsua

6.  Talisman Variation

  • BALLET VARIATION (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Vivian Eldridge

7.   Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

  • CONTEMPORARY SOLO (Choreography by Carlie Shaw) -  Claire Heethuis

8.  It's Not Right

  • JAZZ SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Addie Ricks

9. Don't You Want Me

  • CONTEMPORARY SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Natalie Choo


10. Who I Am

  • TAP SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Liam Beauregard 

11.  Graduation Ball Variation

  • BALLET VARIATION​ (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Elyssa Ahn

12. Someone You Love

  • LYRICAL SOLO (Choreography by Tiffany Burton) - Jadyn Anderson

13. I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues                                                         

  • CONTEMPORARY (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Chloe Heethuis

14. We Went as Far as We Felt Like Going

  • JAZZ TRIO (Choreography by MG Bylo) -  Elaina Andrews, Madeleine Beckwith, Franni Hogan

15. To All My Friends  

  • CONTEMPORARY SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery)Caleb Burton

16. Paris 

  • JAZZ TRIO (Choreography by Tiffany Burton) -  Georgia Davis, Amelia Lennemann, Isabella Thompson-Orsua

17. Love in the Dark  

  • Contemporary Solo (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Alora Mullins

18. New Dorp New York

  • JAZZ SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) Vivian Eldridge

19.  What I'm Looking For

  • CONTEMPORARY SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Sarah Flink

20. Elements of Hip Hip

  • Hip Hop Duo (Choreography by Deavondre Jones, Instructor MG Bylo) - Bryce Aho, Elaina Andrews

21. Hallelujah 

  • CONTEMPORARY SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Elyssa Ahn

22. Fairy Fountain

  • BALLET DUO (Choreography by Leah Seery, Instructor Aubrie Clingaman) - Jadyn Anderson, Claire Heethuis

23. Favorite Crime

  • CONTEMPORARY SOLO (Choreography by Carlie Shaw) - Claire Eldridge

24. Man's World

  • CONTEMPORARY SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Franni Hogan

25. Losing Your Interest

  • CONTEMPORARY TRIO (Choreography by Carlie Shaw) - Caleb Burton, Natalie Choo, Alora Mullins

26. Accentuate the Positive    

  • JAZZ SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Chloe Heethuis

27. Survive      

  • CONTEMPORARY SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery)  - Addie Ricks

28. Alto's Lament  

  • MUSICAL THEATER SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Kayla Warner

29. Right Where You Left Me    

  • CONTEMPORARY TRIO (Choreography by Carlie Shaw) -  Jadyn Anderson, Claire Eldridge, Sarah Flink

30Jazz Baby     

  • JAZZ SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Alexa St. Hilaire

31.  Unchained Melody  

  • ACRO SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Natalie Choo

32. Fix You

  • CONTEMPORARY DUO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Elyssa Ahn, Vivian Eldridge

33. Bills, Bills, Bills

  • TAP SOLO (Choreography by Leah Seery) -  Elaina Andrews

34. Rome

  • CONTEMPORARY TRIO (Choreography by Carlie Shaw) - Chloe Heethuis, Addie Ricks, Kayla Warner

35. Don't Stop Me Now 

  • TAP DUO (Choreography by Leah Seery) - Bryce Aho, Caleb Burton

Meet Our Graduating Seniors

Bryce Aho

Bryce is graduating from

East Lansing High School. 

Next year he will be attending Grand Valley State University's Honor College pursuing a degree in secondary education.

14 years with Spartan Dance

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Where to find us!

6075 North Hagadorn
East Lansing, MI 48823


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Averie Blair

Avery Blair is graduating from Okemos High School

and will be attending Grand Valley State University next year!

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