Team Policies & Guidelines
Attendance Policy
As a member of a competitive team, attendance is of the utmost importance. When a dancer is not at practice, it is detrimental to both their individual progress as well as the success of the team as a whole. By missing technique classes, dancers are not improving in their strength, stamina, and mastery of skills, and will struggle to execute choreography. By missing rehearsal classes, dancers are not able to practice partnering, formations, synchronization and hear corrections and changes to the routine. In order to keep each dancer moving forward and have the most successful competitive season possible, we ask all team dancers to adhere to our attendance policies listed below:
Full Company Attendance:
Dancers are expected to attend ALL scheduled classes, including: technique, choreography, required recital classes, extra rehearsals, etc.
TECHNIQUE: Dancers who miss technique class for any reason MUST attend a makeup class within 4 weeks of the missed class. Dancers who fail to make up their excused technique absences within 4 weeks will be asked to attend a meeting with staff to determine the appropriate next step. Steps may include: mandatory scheduled make up, private instruction (paid for by family), removal from choreography/routines/team (refunds will not be given)
WEEKLY COMPETITION DANCE REHEARSALS: Dancers who miss rehearsals for competition dances for any reason MUST come back the next week with a full and complete knowledge of the material from the week before. Failure to do so may result in the following: removal from sections of choreography, mandatory privates at an additional cost to the dancer, removal from routines*.
Dancers who attend class but are not actively participating (observing class) will be required to take a make-up class
Dancers who must miss a technique class or choreography class will be expected to notify staff via the Jackrabbit Parent Portal before class begins.
Dancers who must miss a solo/duo/trio rehearsal will be expected to notify their individual teacher via text before class begins.
Tardiness/Early Dismissal:
Dancers are expected to arrive prior to the start of class. This allows for ample time to be prepared for class.
If a dancer misses more than 1/3 of the class time, dancer will be required to take a make-up class.
How to make up classes:
For illness, holiday, family emergency: Please view our make up schedule on our team page of the website.
For other activities (school, extra-curricular, etc.): A meeting with the staff MUST be scheduled prior to the start of fall classes in order to determine the appropriate make up schedule to meet both the requirement and needs of both dancer and the competitive team
Part Time, Pre-Co & Little Spartans Attendance:
These competitive teams are also expected to have great attendance but are not held to Full Company Policy. Class/rehearsal absences for all teams will be reviewed periodically and play a large factor when deciding a dancer’s inclusion/exclusion for a piece(s) in the current and/or following team year.
* Please note that removal from sections of routine or team does not receive a refund and all team competition fees will still be due in addition to the tuition cancellation fees.
Bullying Policy
Bullying can be best defined as a behavior that is intended to cause, or should be known to cause people to feel uncomfortable or threatened. Bullying is an action that hurts, frightens, upsets, or demeans someone else. It can be committed by a group or a single individual and may involve repeated and systematic harassment and attacks or a single incident of inappropriate conduct designed to harass or intimidate a victim. Bullying can take many forms, none of which are acceptable.
The main types of bullying include:
Verbal: name calling/put downs, insults, racist comments, sexist comments, teasing/taunting, threatening/extortion, harassment.
Physical: Hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing, inappropriate gestures/touching, tripping, stealing.
Relational: Manipulating friendships, gossip, rumors, exclusion, intimidation, written notes.
Cyber Bullying: Email, social networking, instant message, text message, cell phone communication, blogs, chat rooms
All incidents of bullying that are reported to SDC personnel will be dealt with. Students who engage in bullying-type behavior can expect a progressive disciplinary route with the ultimate goal of changing student behaviors. To get there, students can expect documentation of information, contact with parents, and progress to suspension & removal from the team if bullying behaviors do not stop. The welfare and dignity of all students will be respected throughout any disciplinary action taken.
First Offense: Documented write report in students file and parents will be notified
Second Offense: Dancer will be put on a week suspension from team
Third Offense: Dancer will be dismissed for team
Class Policy
Weekly Technique
Weekly classes will begin in September and conclude in May/June (dependent on the year and team).Team members are expected to have regular attendance at all scheduled, weekly technique classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, and/or Thursdays. In the event that a dancer can not attend their scheduled time due to illness or other conflicts, they should notify staff ahead of time. A make up class is required for all Full Company & First Step Teams and offered for all Part Time, Pre Company & Little Spartan's Teams.
Weekly Performance/Competition Rehearsals
In addition to weekly technique classes, team members will also have a scheduled time slot every week to rehearse their competition and/or Performance routines. These rehearsals are also mandatory, and only major events such as family emergencies, illness, and graded school events will be excused. Should a child need to miss a Team rehearsal, they should notify staff ahead of time, as well as learn any missed choreography/corrections prior to their return to class.While we understand that over the course of the season, illness/conflicts will arise, we expect team members to make their rehearsals a priority and make every effort to avoid scheduling other activities during rehearsal time. In the event of chronic absenteeism, the faculty will reach out to the parent of the dancer to discuss options. Closer to competition, there may be additional rehearsals added on weekends. We will do our best to provide ample notice.
Practice - Training Outside of Class
Our competitive team is a 2-4 day a week program with minimal weekend commitment. This is in an effort to keep one program from monopolizing a child's time. However, the dancer should not expect 2 days of training a week to drastically improve their flexibility and strength (two elements essential for success as a competitive company as well as injury prevention), nor should they expect that Team classes alone is enough for them to master the choreography that was taught. Consequently, team members will be expected to do some training outside of the classroom as well.
Team Members SHOULD:
Stretch sides, legs, backs, ankles daily
Strengthen core, ankles, and do other forms of cross-training to improve strength and stamina
Review and practice full out all choreography
Drill and improve all necessary skills like turns, leaps, jumps, and tricks
Team Members MUST:
Come to each rehearsal with a solid knowledge of the material that was taught previously. Dancers who do not may be required to pay the instructor for privates, or in extreme circumstances, be removed from the routine or sections of the routine.
Conduct Policy
The purpose of Spartan Dance Center’s competitive program is to provide dancers with an opportunity to engage in performances, develop sportsmanship and character, receive outside adjudication, and participate in community outreach. Creating a climate of respect and positivity is imperative to building strong dancers and a strong company, and therefore, we expect all instructors, students, and parents/spectators to abide by our Code of Conducts at all times. Our Code of Conduct was crafted with three main principles in mind:
1 - Demonstrating a positive attitude (Players, parents, and staff are expected to show a positive, respectful attitude for everyone involved in the dance community. Everyone is here because of their shared love of dance and should be celebrated, regardless of their studio affiliation.)
2 - Setting a good example (Each person associated with SDC is accountable for their own behavior. We believe that children learn by example, and that it is up to us as instructors, parents, and older students to set good examples and model appropriate choices and behavior.)
3 - Maintaining good relationships (Dancers, instructors, and parents are required to be respectful of competing teams at all times. Sportsmanship begins with respect, and without it, the positive competitive environment, which should be a perfect classroom for learning the values of dance, is undermined. Occasionally we will encounter others who do not share our values and high standards, but we should not allow ourselves to be drawn down to their level. Additionally, in an environment where our children are competing not only against other teams, but also frequently against each other, it can be difficult to control jealousies and rivalries. A successful team resembles a family in that members put their own needs second, behind the greater good of the team. Care must be taken to support all teammates)
Dancer Code of Conduct While Taking Class:
There is a level of commitment required to be a part of a competitive team. Dancers must have the desired level of commitment - not just for themselves, but for the ENTIRE company. Being on this team, you depend on all of your fellow teammates to all be working hard to keep the classroom a productive space in order for the team to achieve its goals, and therefore, by joining this team, you pledge to:
Make classes, rehearsals, events, and performances a priority
Arrive on time and prepared to dance
Dress appropriately, following the dress code
No gum or food in the dance studios
Enter the dance studio in a manner that is respectful to the studio, the teacher, and the other dancers
Participate in every class to the best of my ability, and put forth 100% effort, energy, and enthusiasm
Have an amazing work ethic! This could mean: working on my own, practicing at home, doing a step until I get it, keeping a notebook with corrections, doing a combination full out while learning it, finishing each combination well, either by dancing all the way off the floor or finishing in a nice fifth with both hands off the barre.
Be respectful to your instructors, fellow dancers, and all studio staff members and volunteers
Respect other dancers. Be aware of your personal space. Refrain from correcting others. (Giving corrections is the teacher’s job.) Keep your thoughts and words positive and uplifting towards others. Unkind behavior towards another dancer will not be tolerated.
Be aware of negative body language (like folded arms, uncovered yawns) and never sit down unless you are asked to sit. If you are sitting, sit tall.
Be alert to all corrections given to you or other students in class
Maintain a positive attitude. When students criticize or complain during class, it not only disrupts the teacher’s instruction, it creates an air of negativity which is difficult for the instructor and other students to recover from
Thank your teacher after class. It is a tradition in dance classes to thank your teacher after class for sharing their knowledge and energy.
Review the social media policies and use social media only in a manner that is uplifting, positive, and encouraging to both SDC and your fellow dancers.
Hold my head high! I am an elite dancer. I am a friend to everyone. I am polite. I am respected because of my dedication, discipline, self-control, and grace. I am a serious artist and should be proud.
Dancer Code of Conduct at Competitions & Performances:
Represent myself, my team, and SDC in a professional, positive manner at all times
Respect any convention/competition staff, convention/competition property, public venue, other teams props, etc.
Demonstrate exceptional sportsmanship at all times. This means keeping comments about other competitors and studios positive, clapping after any studio performs, and applauding for every award that myself, my teammates, or another studio receives.
Arrive at all events at the prearranged call time
Arrive at all events in warm-ups, and keep them on unless directed otherwise
When watching competitions, stay seated and attentive during other studio’s performances, and only enter or exit my seat/the theater between numbers
Remember that while winning can feel great, the goal of competitive dance is to have fun and improve, everyone should be dancing to enjoy the process and the performances, not to just to “win”
When we do win, it is critical to be modest and generous, and when losing to be gracious
Cheer on other teams sincerely, always wish my competitors good luck, and congratulate competitors on a job well done.
Dress Code Policy
Appropriate dance-wear is vital to dancer success. Not only does it allow the dancer to move freely, it allows the instructor to give more accurate feedback. Team members MUST wear appropriate dance-wear to every dance class.
Ladies Technique Classes & Recital Dance Classes
Light purple/Dark Purple/black leotard
Pink tight
NO t-shirts, sweatshirts, baggy clothing, or jewelry
Capezio Hanami Ballet Shoes for ballet
Appropriate shoes for tap/jumps&turns/etc
Hair secured tightly up off the face in a bun, braids, or similar
Ladies Team Classes
Form-fitting dance-wear (leotard and tights, dance top and shorts, or similar)
NO t-shirts, sweatshirts, baggy clothing, or jewelry
Hair secured tightly up off the face in a bun, braids or similar
Appropriate shoes are required for all classes
Gentlemen Technique Classes & Recital Dance Classes
Form-fitting clothing the dancer can move in
Black shorts that hit above the knee
NO sweatshirts, baggy clothing,
Appropriate shoes are required for all classes
Hair should be off of the face
Gentlemen Team Classes
Form-fitting clothing the dancer can move in
NO sweatshirts, baggy clothing,
Appropriate shoes are required for all classes
Hair should be off of the face
Placement Policy
When it comes to class placements, we try to structure the groups with the educational concepts of “desirable difficulty” and “zone of proximal development” for each dancer in mind in an effort to maximize growth and minimize burnout. At SDC, we strive to give the kids a 25/50/25 split within the classes that they are placed in. 25% of their dances are a challenge above their current skill level, 50% or so are right around their current skill level, and 25% are dances where they are demonstrating mastery of previously learned skills and stepping into a leadership role.
Additionally, we endeavor to place dancers into technique classes with peers who are working on similar concepts/skills. In situations where there are not enough dancers exactly at their current skill level, dancers may be placed into classes with dancers who are either slightly more or slightly less experienced. However, in those situations, SDC instructors are trained to meet each dancer where they are on an individual level with scaffolding and variations/modifications to ensure that each dancer is being given just the right amount of challenge to grow without feeling like they are being asked to tackle skills or concepts that their bodies are not yet prepared for.
Please know that all placements are created with a holistic view of how to keep each dancer moving forward - our goal at SDC is to empower and enable each dancer to be the best that they can be, and appropriate class placements help set them up for success.
Substance Policy
As a member of Spartan Dance Center. . .
1. The possession or consumption of illicit or non-prescribed drugs, alcohol, nicotine is not acceptable at any time.
2. Students must not arrive at any dance class, dance event (both in and out of studio) or represent the studio at any time, impaired by the effects of any drugs, alcohol, or nicotine products.
3. Students must not arrive at any dance class/event or represent the studio at any time, under the influence of any prescribed drug where it could risk injury to any person, including the person using the prescribed drug.
4. Students must not promote the consumption of drugs, alcohol, or nicotine to others at any time or in any form.
5. Michigan State Law: Sec. 904. (1) A person shall not consume alcoholic liquor on school property or possess alcoholic liquor on school property with the intent to consume it on school property. (4), a person shall not use a tobacco product on school property. (2) A person who violates subsection (1) is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $50.00.
* Michigan State Law holds true at High School venues including weekend events.
Spartan Dance Center. . .
1. Will discipline any student found to be in breach of this policy.
2. Will report any evidence of illicit drug possession or consumption to the relevant legal authority.
3. Will treat the reporting of any breach of this policy with the strictest confidence.
4. Recognizes that alcohol or other drug dependency may be a medical condition and encourages persons with a dependency to seek confidential referral, treatment and rehabilitation.
* Spartan Dance Center has the responsibility and authority to ensure that the dance studios health and safety objectives are achieved. Substance policy will be upheld with careful consideration and at the disgression of Spartan Dance Center in agreement with the law.