Recreational Dance Program
As instructors and educators, our dance programs implement life skills that go beyond the dance floor and carry into the world around us. Combining team work, accountability, and positive group reinforcement, dancers work together to fulfill the end of the year performance at recital!
Each classroom is designed to build your dancers skills to reach each personal goal set!

Creative Movement
Ages 2 - 3
Creative Movement is a precursor to future dance classes concentrating on gross motor skills. This class focuses on developing balance and skills necessary for traditional dance instruction.
Ages 4 - 18
This class is perfect for all dancers who dream being a Prima Ballerina. Dancers will build a strong technical ballet foundation while learning the vocabulary of one of the oldest styles of dance.
Ages 4 - 18
Tap dance is a form of dance characterized by using the sound of one's tap shoes hitting the floor as a percussive instrument. As such, it is also commonly considered to be a form of music.
Ages 4 - 18
Acro class incorporates gymnast-like tumbling and flexibility skills with the beauty and execution of dance.
Ages 4 - 18
This energetic style of dance teaches the technique of jazz progressions, turns, leaps and center work. Dancers will learn combinations an a routine to dynamic, lively music.
Musical Theater
Ages 8 - 18
Musical theater dance intersections between choreography and written text. The dance, as an expression of language, exemplifies the collaboration between choreographers and music.
Hip Hop
Ages 5 - 18
Hip-hop dance refers to dance styles primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. It includes a wide range of styles notably breaking, locking, and popping.
Lyrical / Contemporary
Lyrical & Contemporary dance is a style of interpretive dance that embraces innovation, blending techniques from various genres, including classical ballet, jazz, and modern dance.

Recital Dance Program
Class Levels
All dancers should register in their age level class. Placement in classes one classes have begun is left to the discretion os SDC instructors. If dance instructors feel that your dancer is placed incorrectly, we will adjust their class level with their parent. Our goal is to place students in the most appropriate classes to gain knowledge and a strong dance foundation.
Tuition Payments
Tuition for all dance classes is broken down evenly over 9 months. Tuition will begin in September and end in June each year.
Tuition will run on an automatic payment system. If a payment has been received after 5 days of billing, a $25 returned payment fee will be added to your account.
Recital Participation
All dancers, creative movement and up will be a part of our spring recital! Dancers will work throughout the year to rehearse a dance preformed by their class during recital which is held at Okemos High School.
Dancers are responsible for costume cost, production fee, and recital tickets.
Dancers will be size during classes in order to receive the best fit of their dance costume. Details on cost, dates and times can be found on our recital tab at the top of website.
Refunds & Cancellations
All dance classes, excluding Creative Movement will have a $60 termination fee for cancellation after the first 4 weeks of class.
Cancellation from a class must take place through the front desk. Cancellation must be 30 days before the next tuition pull.
SDC will not issue refunds for a class due to attendance or late cancellation.
Attendance Policy
All instructors will keep track of attendance on a nightly bases. There is no refund for a missed. All dancers may have the opportunity to make up a missed class depending on class level, enrollment size, and time of year. To inquire about the possibility of a make up class, please check at the front desk.
Closed Dates & Inclement Weather
Spartan Dance Center follows closely to a public school format. Holidays & Break dates can be found on our dance calendar above.
Due to the potential hazardous weather conditions, SDC will take our families and staff into consideration when closing for wintery conditions. Closures will be posted on social media, and will be texted through our texting system. To subscribe to messages, please text "dance student" to 517-225-0096.
* Closures & breaks are figured into dancers season tuition.